Course curriculum

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Course Overview

Do you want to learn the basics of accounting incredibly quickly? Like in an hour.

Do you want a professor that works the problems with you? Rather than just talks at you.

Do you want an interactive and fun course?

This course is for you!

I’ve taught thousands of students over the past 8 years and sent students to compete with the best of the best at Big 4 Accounting Firms.

With this class you will learn the basics of accounting and you can complete it in only one hour! You will work with me on the handouts like you are sitting in the classroom. This is a proven technique that I’ve used over the past 8 years.

You will learn:

  • The Accounting Equation
  • What T-Accounts are
  • How T-Accounts and Journal Entries are related
  • How to create a simple Balance Sheet
  • How to create a simple Income Statement
  • Debits and Credits
  • How Cash is King
  • Cash accounting vs accrual accounting
  • Calculating topline revenue
  • How to balance your statements
  • Key terms and basic equations


No prerequisite knowledge is required!

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 17 lectures and 1 hour of content!
  • Hold their own when talking with Accountants at their job
  • Understand the basics of accounting
  • Create a simplified Balance Sheet
  • Create a simplified Income Statement
  • Know the difference between a debit and a credit
  • Understand why Cash is King
  • Create Journal Entries
  • Calculate the Net Income of a Business
  • Make T-Accounts

What is the target audience?

  • You interact with accountants at your job. You hear this mumbo jumbo like debits and credits and you don’t know what it means. You’re too afraid to ask. This course is for you!
  • Students who interact with accountants in their daily job
  • Business owners who want to gain a better understanding of their business
  • University Students trying to determine if they want to pursue a career in Accounting
  • Anyone needing a refresher in Accounting
  • IT Professionals who work with financial software or accounting software at their company
  • You are a university student and you want to know if you want to major in accounting. This introductory course will show you if you are either interested in it or you dread it. You’ll know after spending the cost of a few drinks instead of thousands of dollars of student loans. Now that’s a great deal!